New Mark Tie
17th September 2013
The current West Lancs Mark tie has served the province well for some 23 years. The Exec felt that a change would reflect recent trends for more variety in ties, give the Mark a new 'up to date' image and stronger identity.
A competition was announced and the entrants are particularly thanked for their creative inspirations. HOWEVER (!) using these entries, the Exec came up with their own design, which they are confident --- meets all our criteria --- and that you will like.

Here are photographs of the new tie. It is hoped that this will be on sale at our Prov RAM Assembly on Tues 17th September at Leyland, and generally thereafter. There is a matching 'Lancs Rose' pocket handkerchief.

The possibility of having a silk version was far too expensive!

Of course there is no compulsory obligation to buy the new tie, but we are confident you will approve, and prefer it: as well as supporting our charities.

All the competition entrants will be offered a donation to the charity of their choice for setting off our thoughts.

Article by Peter Connolly